Tips, Opinions & Notes from our Team

Distilling our knowledge, experiences, and resources on a wide range of digital, technical, nonprofit, and advocacy topics.

Filtered Engagement Strategy

The Mountaineers Go Mobile

by Karen Uffelman | October 10, 2016

Go check out on your favorite mobile device. Its beautiful!

CRM, Engagement Strategy, Integration

Get Them to Open it

by Sarah Francis | May 25, 2016

Lets say you have a great email broadcast program and well-cultivated email, now what? How do you get people to continue to open your emails? How do you get people to take action?

Engagement Strategy, Fundraising

Zombie Prevention!

by Karen Uffelman | May 25, 2016

Managing your email program is a big job. You have to pick the right database and email broadcasting platforms, and you need to be able to wield them well.

CRM, Engagement Strategy

2014 Top Ten!

by Sarah Francis | December 23, 2014

Here are the top ten amazing feats our clients accomplished in 2014

CRM, Engagement Strategy, Percolator Love

Your Engagement Pyramid: Beefing Up the Middle

by Chris McCullough | October 2, 2014

The Engagement Pyramid is a simple and powerful framework for modeling an organizations relationships with its constituents.

Advocacy, CRM, Engagement Strategy

Handing Over the Keys: Empowering and Supporting Volunteer Leaders

by Sarah Francis | March 13, 2014

Does your organization systematically identify, support and reward volunteer leaders?

Engagement Strategy